The Long Island Harmonica Club was organized over forty years ago by a small group of harmonica enthusiasts . Over the years it has evolved into a vibrant organization with active membership numbering over fifty at its peak. The founders of the club were all very fine players and felt the need to get together and share their playing skills and knowledge with each other. The club grew in size attracting new members who shared similar interests in playing the chromatic harmonica. As the club grew it evolved into a performing ensemble, The Long Island Harmonica Club Band, Inc. The original roster of names included some very famous professional players and advanced amateurs. In its present form the club meets twice a month for rehearsal and once a month for the business meeting- The band has consistently averaged between 35 to 40 gigs a year.
The rehearsal is directed by the band leader who works with the entire group preparing them to play for our performances. Most members are self taught players and do not read standard music notation. During the rehearsal, emphasis is placed on single note playing, ear training, articulation of notes; sound production and timing. Much emphasis is placed on ensemble playing. This means listening to the other players while you are playing in order that every player in the band is together. The Band performs at libraries, fairs, adult homes, nursing homes, church groups, AARP groups, senior centers.
Long Island Newsday, The New York Times, L.I. TV Channel 12, The American Harmonica Magazine featured the club in articles or video clips. The Society for the Preservation and Advancement of the Harmonica (S.P.A.H.) honored us with their “Club of the Year Award” in 1992. This is a prestigious national organization of harmonica groups and we proudly display the beautiful trophy which was presented to us.
In recent years, the diatonic harmonica has become a favorite of the younger generation of players. By using the technique of bending reeds, it becomes possible for a player to play the sharps and flats not originally built into the instrument. A harmonica workshop was recently created to attract new members that either play or would like to learn how to play the diatonic or the chromatic. No prior music training is necessary. We continue to encourage and enroll new individuals, some with experience in playing harmonicas and some with none. A sincere interest, a good ear and a desire to learn is all that is necessary. Come join us at our rehearsal and be prepared to have
incredibly good time listening to our band go through its paces.
John Savas
Long Island Harmonica Club
Band Leader and Music Director
Harmonica Club is active and meeting regularly throughout 2023. We meet the first and third Wednesday of every month from 7pm until 8:45pm. We usually meet at one of the two Massapequa library locations. Please check the Massapequa library event calendar to confirm where we will be.
There are multiple Youtube videos and websites we recommend. We have talked about these resources during meetings. Here are some quick links to our favorite sites: